What We Believe
The members of our church were all formerly under just condemnation for our many sins against God, our Creator and Judge. We were on the broad road that leads to destruction, to that place called hell, which God has designed for everlasting torment appropriate to the measure of our own personal transgressing of His commandments. Though we were guilty of breaking His law, and knew it well enough, we continued in an apathetic, satisfied state of rebellion. Our hearts possessed such an enmity and hatred for God and His ways, and love for our own desires and sinful pleasures that, unless our gracious and mighty God had intervened we would have treasured up a great punishment for the life to come.
But thankfully, He intervened. Our loving God stopped each of us in our tracks and saved our souls from the wrath to come, each of us at a different time, and under a different set of circumstances, but each according to the eternal purpose and council of God. We all know we are unworthy of the great mercy and unmerited favor God has shown us by sending His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ to be punished for our sins, to shed his blood and die, that we might live. As such we will never endure the everlasting wrath of God which we deserve for all our offences against Him. By His Spirit He convicted us of our great sinfulness, and brought us the greatest message we have ever heard, or ever will hear, that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, that He was blamed, cursed and that he suffered for our sins. He was then buried, but not to remain dead in the grave, but after three days rose again, as a victorious living Savior able to declare unrighteous sinners righteous, and able to give eternal life to as many as the Father has given Him.
So, as you might imagine, having been shown such favor from our great Creator, we are very interested in continuing in closer and closer fellowship with Him. Therefore we regularly pray, and thankfully empty our hearts to Him of all our sins, worries, hopes and longings, and look to Him as our only and all-sufficient Provider. We read our Bibles to study and learn more and more about the One who loves us. In short, we love him because He first loved us.
We gather together in strict accordance to His Word, in what He calls the house of God, the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. As one body, one congregation of baptized believers, we come together to worship the Father in spirit and in truth, glorifying and praising Him in song, prayer and in the preaching and teaching of His Word. We gather to edify, equip and encourage one another for the difficult days ahead, for our constant struggle against sin that still hinders our lives.
But, we are a people full of hope and great longing for the second coming of Christ, and want to be ready for Him, living in faithfulness to Him and walking in his commandments when He comes. Not that we might earn our way into heaven, but that we might live for Him who died for us, glorifying and praising Him until His coming. And we have a longing that others too might be brought to Christ the same wonderful way we were. So we seek opportunity to be faithful witnesses of the saving gospel of the grace of God.